After we left Tailem Bend we headed towards the Yorke Peninsula and as we have said before we love taking the back roads.

Now before you start having a go at us this is actually currently a free camp (see note below). Reason being that the showers that the wonderful town of Mallala provided have continually been abused. We were told in town that too many people abuse the rights and do their washing and dishes in the shower room. This caused all sorts of problems so they closed the shower. It’s sad to hear that they have had to close the hot showers which you did have to pay 💲 for because others are not mindful and abuse the privilege.

NOTE: Since our time here it has been upgraded and sites per night are $10. For more information check out their website

But we happily walked into town and spent a few dollars at the Pub.

Anyway this is a wonderful town encouraging campers and caravanners to stop for a night. You must be totally self-contained and you will be fined if you drop grey water onto the ground. The area is flat and there is plenty of room for everyone. They even have a rainwater tank for drinking water.

For me I also loved the sound and enthusiasm of those that came to footy practice on the oval. Apart from that we also enjoyed being able to stretch our legs and walk around the oval a few times.

So this camp at the moment has:

🚻Toilets – unfortunately someone had taken ALL the toilet paper in both. There were cleaner toilets on the other side of the oval. But we don’t know if they are always open.
🚰Drinking water from a rain water tank.
🥩BBQ and picnic table over on the other side of the oval
🚮Rubbish bins
⛹️‍♂️ Kids playground
📱 Telstra and TV reception excellent
🐶Pet friendly

Lovely town and thank you Mallala 🙏. Love supportng these towns even if it’s with fuel or groceries or a pub meal or the bakery or if I’m lucky a haircut…………💇‍♀️