In a previous post I mentioned how lucky we have been with the weather. But in the back of your mind you know that the weather can change in a flash. Well it certainly did with gusto…..
The afternoon we arrived at Lake Boga Caravan Park, Victoria just 10 minutes from Swan Hill, it was a pleasant and warm afternoon. We checked in at reception and were told we could choose any site that was free. As we do, we took a walk around first to see where we could park the van. There were some nice sites along the bank of the Lake which meant our door and awning would be facing towards the Lake’s bank. This area has public toilets but seemed a little noisy as it was closer to the main road.
Anyway we decided on a site down the other end where the amenities are new and we would also be close to the camp kitchen and laundry. This meant we would park the van with it’s rear end toward the Lake. We felt we had plenty of room as there were only a couple of other caravans in this area. It was a lovely evening sitting with our wine overlooking the calm Lake.
Before I forget this is a Top Tourist Park and as we are members we receive 10% discount on prices. Price per night for a powered site, 2 adults is $32 less discount for members. The amenities are very clean and the park has excellent TV reception.
The Lake is popular for all types of water sports, especially wake boarding and water skiing . It’s also home to the historic Catalina Flying Boat museum and the home of the WWII’s secret RAAF Repair Depot. We also took a drive around the lake aptly named Lakeside Drive which has great walking and bike paths.
The next day we decided to drive into Swan Hill, just 10 minutes down the road, for some groceries. That’s another post. When we got back, the almost empty park was now filled with caravans all around us. The weather was still OK with a few rain clouds in the far distance. So we took a walk along the bank of the lake and said hello to other carvanners on the way, took some more photos and when we got back, Graeme decided to pull out the fishing rod and enjoy the calm.
However, that calm soon turned to cyclonic type weather. The rain started and the wind blew up making the Lake look like an ocean. The wind hit with no more than a minute’s warning and was ferocious. Graeme held on to the awning as there was no way in the world it could have been taken in without risk of damage. We were actually very lucky that the wind came from the rear right quarter of our van.
We were one of the lucky ones. Unfortunately one of the couples parked where we had first wanted to set up copped the worst of the wind with it coming straight off the water into the awning side of their van. The van took the full frontal hit of the winds and even though they tried desperately to hang onto the awning it was very quickly blown up and over their van and snapped the TV aerial.
The storm finished as quickly as it started and we and the other caravanners made sure that everyone was ok. Graeme handed back a few items that had been blown under our van from other sites. For a short time we had a gathering of folks dripping wet and cold enjoying some recovery time whilst talking about their experience of this rather quick storm.